Blue French Bulldog Overview

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Blue French Bulldog

Identifying a Blue French Bulldog among the other French Bulldogs can be quite overwhelming.

Blue Frenchies stand out with a black nose, brown, or blue eyes, smiling mouth, big eyes, short screwed tail, and bat ears. The short and stocky dogs have triangular-shaped and short legs.

This dog breed is ideal for the household setting as it is friendly and warm to the loved ones, whether they are dog lovers or not.

In this guide, I shall walk you through the essential details you need to consider before getting a Blue French Bulldog for yourself or your loved ones.


A Blue French Bulldog is a color variety of the French Bulldog bred for companionship as the perfect house pet owing to its small size and characteristics.

This flat-faced breed has a loose-skinned body that adorns plenty of wrinkles and weighs about twenty-eight pounds.

The blue Frenchies are a mixture of English Bulldogs and local ratters in France. It resembles other French Bulldog breeds except for the differences in the blue colored fur.


Blue French Bulldogs have a relatively hard time reproducing naturally, hence the need for artificial insemination. Most births are conducted through the C-Section to produce one or two Blue French Bulldogs.

The average price for a Blue French Bulldog Puppy falls between $2,000-$2,500 with the possibility of going up to $10,000.

You need to find a trusted breeder to help you find the best puppies despite the long waiting lists that might discourage you.

I would recommend acquiring a Blue French Bulldog puppy from a breeder that the American Kennel Club recognizes or adopt one from trusted charities like the French Bulldog Rescue Network.

Personality and Temperament

In its breeding, the Blue French Bulldog was produced as a companion to make your home livelier. The small-sized dog is laid back and can be clingy to its loved ones.

The dogs are playful and alert, making them most ideal for the fetch game. The pups can thrive and be happier if your home has children and other animals that are ready and willing to play.

Blue Frenchies quietly seek attention as they are not known to bark a lot. Being social and highly adaptable, the family dog can thrive in any environment and conditions.

To keep your pups in check, you need to find an outlet for the excess energy using exercise and toys. If you neglect your Blue French Bulldog, the dog can develop separation anxiety.

Feeding Requirements

Blue French Bulldogs have sensitive stomachs, making it best to feed them using natural foods free of grains to avoid upsetting the stomach.

For dry foods, you should choose a smaller kibble prepared for dogs with the brachycephalic face. When feeding raw, you should include about 75% of meat. Vegetables and fruits are also ideal for the Blue French Bulldogs

After feeding, you will need to clean your dog with a particular focus on the ears, nose, and eyes to prevent infections.

To maintain your Blue French Bulldog in perfect condition, you shall need to get food from a veterinarian or your local pet store.

Exercise and Training

Blue French Bulldogs are energetic and playful from a tender age. You should make a point of taking your dog for a daily walk of 20-30 minutes.

To avoid over-heating, you should walk the dog in the mornings or evenings. If the weather is too cold, you may need to wrap him/her before going for a walk.

Being poor swimmers, you need a life jacket when you go near water bodies.

While training a Blue French Bulldog, you need tolerance as the dog has low levels of intelligence. You need to give commands in a clear and precise manner to make the training more productive. For better results, you should commence toilet training from day one.

Health Problems

Since they are brachycephalic dogs, Blue French Bulldogs are highly vulnerable to respiratory problems.

It can suffer from color dilution alopecia that may be responsible for permanent hair loss due to the self-destruction of the follicle.

Blue French Bulldogs are highly vulnerable to malformation of the spine. In rare cases, the pups can be born with spine bones that are shaped abnormally.

Because of the short, thin coat, a Blue French Bulldog is likely to suffer from temperature extremes.


You need to lay a particular focus on the bat-like ears and large exposed eyes when cleaning a Blue French Bulldog. Remove traces of dirt that are deposited in the eyes or ears of your dog. Also, consider getting a pair of Doggles for better protection of the eyes.

The short coat lowers the shed frequency and frequency of clipping and brushing a Blue French Bulldog. However, brushing helps you create a stronger bond with your dog. You may need to use medicated shampoos to fight skin diseases like eczema and loss of hair.


A Blue French Bulldog is an ideal companion that is highly adaptable. The dog is best for couples, singles, families, and children.


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